Our final judge is a true mistress of makeup and is well-known for her magical makeup transformations – none other than Hopyrion! 😲
Hopyrion has years of experience with cosplay, and has been working in the makeup industry for many years as well, so we were happy when, late last year, she accepted the idea of doing a Fox Spirit Makeup Workshop (http://sched.co/BXSW) at Genki 2018! 💄
To ensure the best in theatrical makeup products, the event is sponsored by Kryolan City Copenhagen, who will provide the makeup for the workshop, allowing a few volunteers from the audience to try making the Fox Spirit makeup themselves! 😃
Message from Hopyrion
I’m Hopy and I, most of the time, drop bad jokes and laugh at them for too long, alone. Other than that I’d say I’m as much of a make-up geek as otaku and love to combine the two. I recently started a YouTube channel with tips for cosplay makeup, so go check it out if you’re interested! (Sorry I’ll stop shameless self-promotion now)
I cosplayed for the first time back in 2008, so it’s actually a 10 year anniversary this year! Oh Lord, I’m probably gonna hide in shame looking back from now, haha. My first cosplay was Maru from xxxHolic and it’s still a cosplay I’d love to make again.
I always loved to dress up since I was a child, and got interested in cosplay after attending my first con back in 2006, I think it was. I was so amazed by the idea of dressing up as your favorite character, and yeah, I still am, haha! I love how you can change your whole look and ‘become’ a character.
I didn’t start performing until a few years ago, but performing really gives cosplay a whole new life, and it’s always exciting to see people’s creativity of how they’ll bring a series to life, which is also what I’ll be looking forward to at Genki!