Pumkit was part of the duo, who recently represented Denmark at Clara Cow’s Cosplay Cup at Animecon, and while they didn’t win, they definitely left an impression on ZA WARUDO! 🌏
At Genki, she will be sharing her passion for making shoes at her panel “Shoe-covers for Beginners! (http://sched.co/FMqy) which we are WRYYYYYYY-lly looking forward to! 👟
Message from Pumkit Cosplay
My name is Louise, and I mainly go under the name Pumkit Cosplay on social media. I’ve been cosplaying since 2009, and last year, I represented Denmark alongside my friend at Clara Cow’s Cosplay Cup in the Netherlands.
If I had to describe what I like best about cosplaying, I’d probably say, that what I like best is making shoes, entertaining people on the big stage, and last but not least talking with other passionate people.
The story about how I started cosplaying may sound a bit round-about. Originally, I had no intentions of starting cosplaying. I honestly thought it wouldn’t be my kind of thing.
Everything changed, however, when a friend coaxed me into cosplaying as Liz and Patty, from Soul Eater, with her. I quickly realized, that I really liked sowing my own costumes and that sowing costumes from something you were passionate about was something very different from sowing a pillow or a skirt in crafts at school.
So when I participated in my first convention while wearing cosplay, I quickly came to realise that this was a hobby I wouldn’t let go of. And I was right
I’m really looking forward to Genki, and – as always – look especially forward to seeing the many passionate cosplayers taking the stage. In addition, as per usual, I look forward to meeting both new and old friends, and might look a little too much forward to the different food stalls at the convention this year.